Vision & Mission

About Us

Al-Mansour Schools which started its first academic year in 2013 has a special and unique mission. It works to achieve the highest international standards for the teaching and learning processes. Al-Mansour schools also have a unit for training, quality and development at the highest level.It provides employees with the latest teaching and assessment programs. This unit contains qualified trainers in different disciplines to develop skills, techniques and strategies of teaching.

With the advancement of technology, Al Mansour schools become the big home for the parents and their children. Al Mansour schools own the MMS platform unit, which is an advanced electronic platform.It used to help parents to follow up and monitor their children’s progress, participation and interaction through mobile application notifications during and after the school day while they are at home.

Also,it helps them to provide the best way for teaching for students. Al-Mansour Schools is the best and optimal choice for educating your children. Al-Mansour Schools offer advanced curricula in English, French and German, and the school chooses academic programs that help students think creatively and critically.

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Our Mission

Empower our students with knowledge, skills and attitude in an interactive learning environment that provides integrated programs delivered by highly qualified educators under professional leadership, seeking state-of-the-art learning outcomes and pursuing sustainable development.

Our Vision

In the era of globalization, digitalization and ever-changing knowledge, we prepare an innovative generation of lifelong learners who can compete cognitively, skillfully and ethically.